
Thursday, March 28, 2019

Hegel and Kant on the Ontological Argument Essay -- Philosophy Philoso

Hegel and Kant on the Onto lawful ArgumentABSTRACT I intend to stand for Kants refutation of the ontological argument as confronted by Hegels critique of Kants refutation. The ontological argument derriere be exposed in a syllogistic way everything I conceive as belonging clearly and understandably to the reputation or essence of something can be asserted as true of something. I perceive clearly and distinctly that reality belongs to the nature or essence of a thoroughgoing(a) tense being therefore, existence can be stated as true of a supremely perfect being, that is, perfect being exists. I intend to argue that Kant criticizes both the major and minor premises. To the major premise, he objective lenss that there is an unqualified passage from the logical to the ontological level. To the minor premise, he objects that existence is not a ideal predicate. Finally, I will show how Hegel criticizes Kants refutation. To the former, Kants critique is nave as he could prove that existence is not inherent to a finite beings concept, which is not the concept of God. I. The Ontological ArgumentKants refutation of the ontological argument-which states that from the concept of a being containing every perfection it is possible to infer its existence-is well cognize In whatever manner the understanding may have arrived at a concept, the existence of its object is never, by any process of analysis, ascertainable within it for the knowledge of the existence of the object consists precisely in the particular that the object is posited in itself, beyond the (mere) thought of it (KrV,B667, trans. Kemp Smith)Existence being neither a predicate nor a perfection, it cannot be inferred from the concept of the most perfect being beyond its concept. Kants critic... ...e.Notes(1) The ontological argument was first stated by Anselm in the Proslogium, Anselm defines God as a being relate to whom slide fastener superior can be conceived. He inquires on the possible existe nce of such a being in ours mind only, that is , as an object of thought. The answer is negative, for such a being would be one related to whom a superior could be conceived. The ontological argument presented by Descartes in the fifth Meditation is essentially a modern version of Anselms argument.(2) G. Dicker, Descartes an analytic and historical introduction, Oxford, Oxford University Press.(3) Strawson, The bounds of Sense, London, Routledge, 1966, p. 225.(4) Cf.Hegel, Enzyklopdie der philosophichen Wissenschaften, SuhrKamp, ed. Moldenhauer Michel, , & 51 (5) Cf.Hegel, Vorlesungen ber die Philosophie der Religion, ed. Jaeschke, III, p.324.

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